Thanks for stopping by!

I'm a junior studying computer science and history of art @ Yale University, finding ways to embed art and design within digital spaces. I've previously worked @ Yale Center for British Art and @ Taelor Fisher.

I'm interested in UI/UX design, frontend engineering, software engineering, and product management. This semester, I've been loving my human-computer interaction and graphic design courses, and I'm performing user research for Holly Rushmeier and the Yale Computer Graphics Group.

Outside of my studies, I love taking photos, attempting the nyt crossword, and fixating on new crafts (currently: weaving and zine making) and skills (blender, web development).

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Resume | Let's Connect

This website was created using HTML/CSS/JavaScript with the Start Bootstrap Bare template. Graphics developed using Figma and Photoshop. Please bear with the technical difficulties as I slowly build up this site!